Investor Presentaiton
Step 1: Review the requirements for naming a business to ensure the name you
are thinking of fits the criteria as determined by the Registry of Joint Stocks.
Note: This is not a mandatory step.
Welcome, Christopher
Register a Business Name
My Business
Licences, Permits
and Applications
0 Items
Account Settings Log Out Admin
Step 1: Choose your business name
The requirements for naming your business depend on the type of business you want to start. Please
review the name reservation instructions (pdf) to guide you through the process of choosing your name.
My Messages
My History
Step 2: Preliminary name search
To reduce potential conflicts in naming your business, we recommend that you do a preliminary search
of your proposed name in the Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Corporations Canada and Canadian
Trademarks databases.
Start or
Grow My
Step 3: Reserve your business name
Complete the Name Reservation Request form. You will then need to click 'Submit' and complete
* Note: do not commit to a name before it has been approved.
Complete form
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