Investor Presentaiton
Climate Change Policy Dynamics
Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011 on Forest Moratorium.
Development of REDD+ schemes including Indicative Moratorium maps.
Presidential Decree No. 25/2011 on National Task Force for REDD+
REDD+agency and related institutional development (finance and MRV)
Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011 on National Emission Reduction
Plan (RAN-GRK). Covering 70 programs for 26/41% emission reduction plan
across five main sectors (agriculture, forestry and peat, energy and transportation,
industry, waste and other supporting activities).
Presidential Regulation No. 71/2011 on National GHG Inventory
System Regular information on th level, status and trend of GHG emission change.
and absorption, including national, and subnational carbon stock as well as GHG
emision reductionView entire presentation