Investor Presentaiton
Platform Design: Leverage Complexity Reduction and Operational
Excellence to Drive Margin Improvement
Complexity Reduction and
Customer Experience
Localize capacity needs and position
near skilled labor
Establish both Kitchen & Bath
Manufacturing Centers of Excellence
Facility enhancements to improve
reliability and service
• Improve customer experience and
lower costs by expanding DFMA:
Improve throughput
Shorten lead times
Optimal inventory management
Operational Excellence and
Systems Thinking
Increase use of high-quality substitute
Procurement strategy to drive global
sourcing synergies
⚫ Logistics and delivery network initiatives;
expand Final Mile Network
Invest $75 million in automation over
next five years
Optimize technology to lower capital
requirements and improve processes
• Focus on product performance,
appearance, and reducing defects
Significant Opportunity
For Margin Expansion
Target -200bps of Adjusted EBITDA
Margin Improvement
by FY281
American Woodmark
1 Note the expected increase of Adjusted EBITDA Margin Improvement presented above reflects the current expectations and beliefs of management compared to FY23. See additional disclosures, footnote 1 on slide 33 for further information,
Appendix A for a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA Margin to the most comparable GAAP financial measure and for a definition of "Adjusted EBITDA Margin."
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