Canadian Banking and Residential Mortgages Overview slide image

Canadian Banking and Residential Mortgages Overview

Funding Strategy Diversified funding sources . Increase contribution from customer deposits Manage prudent level of wholesale funding utilization and TLAC² • Maintain balance between efficiency, stability of funding and pricing relative to peers Diversify funding by type, currency, program, tenor and source/market • Utilize a centralized (head office managed) funding and associated risk management approach 1 In addition to the programs listed, there are also CD programs in the following currencies: Yankee/USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, HKD 2 This measure has been disclosed in this document in accordance with OSFI Guideline - Public Disclosure Requirements for Domestic Systemically Important Banks on Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Requirements (September 2018). Funding Programs¹ US Debt & Equity Shelf (senior/subordinated debt, preferred and common shares) Limit USD 50 billion Global Registered Covered Bond Program (uninsured Canadian mortgages) Limit CAD 100 billion EMTN Shelf Limit USD 20 billion CAD Debt & Equity Shelf (senior/subordinated debt, preferred and common shares) Limit CAD 15 billion START ABS program (indirect auto loans) Limit CAD 15 billion Australian MTN program Limit AUD 8 billion Singapore MTN program Limit - USD 12 billion Halifax ABS shelf (unsecured lines of credit) Limit - CAD 7 billion Principal at Risk (PAR) Note shelf Limit CAD 15 billion Trillium ABS shelf (credit cards) Limit CAD 5 billion USD Bank CP Program Limit USD 35 billion 49
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