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Investor Presentaiton

TRANSACTION OVERVIEW electriq power Transaction Structure TLG Acquisition Corp. to merge with Electriq at a pro-forma Enterprise Value of $367mm (3.5x 2024E Revenue) SPAC Sponsor Shares 8.3mm shares and 4.7mm warrants forfeited Electriq shareholders roll 100% of equity and $10.1MM of existing debt rolling over to equity Sources & Uses ($mm) Pro Forma Capitalization and Ownership ($mm) Existing Electriq Shareholders Existing SPAC Shareholders New Equity (1) $275 2 13 SPAC Sponsor / Mike Lawrie (2) 54 Loan Conversion (3) 13 $356 Less: Cash to B/S (17) Plus: New Preferred (4) 27 Enterprise Value $367 Equity Value New Cash Sources Existing SPAC Shareholders $2 SPAC Sponsor / Mike Lawrie 15 New Equity 12 Total Sources $28 New Uses Cash to Balance Sheet $17 Existing Debt Payoff 4 Transaction Expenses at Closing Total Uses 7 $28 SPAC Sponsor / Mike Lawrie 15% Loan Conversion 4% New Equity 4% Existing SPAC Shareholders 0% Note: Includes no assumption for any excise tax potentially due under the Inflation Reduction Act. Excludes potential dilution from outstanding and to-be-issued options and warrants. Presented for illustrative purposes only and capitalization reflects a $10 per share nominal price. Figures may not add due to rounding. 1. Assumes 1.3mm common shares related to $11.5mm of New Equity 2. Assumes 1.8mm common shares related to $15mm of New Equity, 1.1mm common shares related to the conversion to equity an $8.5mm existing loan to Electriq Power, 0.8mm common share related to $8.3mm of certain transaction costs that converted to equity, and 1.7mm common shares for existing Sponsor & affiliates founder shares. To the extent the Company is unsuccessful in raising $28mm, Mr. Lawrie has agreed to fund up to $3mm of New Equity. If Mr. Lawrie were to fund $3mm of New Equity, he would receive 0.3mm common shares (which is currently reflected in New Equity in both the Sources & Uses and Pro Forma Capitalization and Ownership). 3. Assumes 1.3mm common shares related to the conversion to equity a total of $10.1mm in existing loans to Electriq Power 4. Assumes 2.7mm preferred shares: 1.4mm related to $28.0mm of New Equity, 0.4mm related to the conversion to equity Sponsor's $8.5mm existing loan to Electriq Power, 0.4mm related to $8.3mm of certain Sponsor transaction costs that converted to equity, and 0.5mm related to the conversion to equity a total of $10.1mm in existing loans to Electriq Power. Existing Electriq Shareholders 77% Strictly Confidential / Not for Redistribution 32
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