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Analysis of Global Power Market

Analysis of Global Power Market Power Consumption per Capita Power Consumption per Capita, OECD, U.S., UK, other European Countries, China and SEA, 2018 kWh 0 U.S. OECD* China Other European Countries** UK SEA 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 8,014 4,900 4,587 4,558 1,422 12,014 Power Consumption per Capita, OECD, U.S., UK, other European Countries, China and SEA, 2016 kWh 0 U.S. OECD* 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 7,957 China 3,926 4,436 4,943 Other European Countries** UK SEA 1,166 12,222 • • • Highlights The power consumption per capita in the U.S. was the highest among the 5 regions, reaching 12,014 kWh in 2018, followed by the OECD, China, other European counties, and the UK, whose power consumption per capita was 4,900 kWh, 4,587 kWh, and 4,558 kWh respectively in 2018. Based on the data of the U.S. and OECD, China's power consumption per capita is still much lower than major developed countries, indicating a growth potential for power consumption in China. The SEA had the lowest power consumption per capita, 1,422 kWh, among the presented regions and countries. The level of electrification in SEA needs to be improved and the power market in SEA is of huge potential. The differences in power consumption per capita in different regions are mainly contributed to three factors: the economic development level, the industrial structure, and the residents' living habits. In U.S., the residential sector takes a large proportion of the total power consumption. While in China, the secondary industry consumes the most of power, which takes more than 60% in the total power consumption. Comparing the power consumptions per capita of the selected regions in 2016 and 2018, it can be found that the power consumptions per capita in the US and the UK showed a decreasing trend, which indicates that the power consumptions per capita in those developed countries have saturated. However, with the further economic growth of developing countries, such as China and the SEA, the power consumption in these regions keeps increasing. *OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, an intergovernmental economic organisation with 36 member countries. The majority of member countries are developed countries.. **Other European Countries not including Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia FROST SULLIVAN Source: Frost & Sullivan 16
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