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Investor Presentaiton

7. LONG-TERM DEBT DUE TO PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA (continued) (a) Notes payable to the Province of Nova Scotia are comprised of the following: Note payable 2013-18 Note payable 2013-19 Note payable 2013-20 Note payable 2013-21 Note payable 2013-22 2014 Fiscal Year of Maturity Applicable Interest rate Principal Outstanding % 2022 1.99 218 2019 1.89 500 2018 2.08 251 2015 1.4 69 2019 2.97 1,001 72,397 Note payable 2002-01 in the amount of $1,334 (2013 - $1,938) has no set terms of repayments with the Province of Nova Scotia. The principal for this is repayable to the Province when the principal is collected from the loans that are funded by this note. In addition, 80% of the interest received or capitalized on the underlying loans is repayable to the Province. The remaining notes are repayable in quarterly instalments of principal and interest based on maturity dates and rates set as above. 2013 Principal Outstanding $ 71,328 (b) Principal repayments on the notes, excluding note 2002-01, are as follows: $ 2015 21,207 2016 20,801 2017 12,423 2018 7,586 2019 2,620 Thereafter 6,426 71,063 Future scheduled interest capitalization amounts $1,745 (2013 - $1,895) on certain existing notes payable are excluded in the above repayment amounts. 9. CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS (a) The Corporation has approved financing of $3,098 (2013 - $9,560) that is undisbursed at year-end. (b) The Corporation administers strategic investments on behalf of the Province on Nova Scotia that permit approved businesses to receive a percentage of payroll taxes paid as a rebate. Expenses incurred by the Corporation are match-funded by the Province of Nova Scotia in the form of a Strategic Investment Grant. As at March 31, 2014, transactions were approved with maximum annual payments over the next six years of $77.7 million (2013 - $92.2 million) as shown below: The total interest paid or became payable during the year and recorded in the statement of operations was $2,184 (2013 - $3,852). 2015 18,785 2016 18,177 2017 17,456 8. SHARE CAPITAL 2018 13,395 The Corporation is authorized to issue 100 Class A common shares with a par value of $1 each. At year-end, 100 common shares have been issued to the Province. 2019 6,754 2020 3,105 Total 77,672
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