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Investor Presentaiton

Gas-to-Power and Value-Added Hydrocarbon Exports Boosts Ghana's Long-Term Prospects Despite a muted global backdrop, Ghana's energy and power sectors are expected to make continued progress and attract investments A forward looking approach to the power industry puts in motion initiatives that will see Ghana become an efficient producer over the next decade In the long term, oil production will peak at 236,290 bopd ■ Associated gas production is expected to average 323.7mm scf/d in the long term ☐ Ghana expects to become a net exporter of electrical power, crude oil and petrochemicals in the medium-to-long term This export-led strategy will act as a positive catalyst to Ghana's economic prospects in coming years. Robust long term hydrocarbon production profile a positive boost to Ghana's economic prospects BBLS/DAY Crude Oil Long Term Production Profile 250 200 150 100 Gas Long Term Production Profile 400 300 MM scf/d 200 100 50 0 0 2018f 2019f 2020f 2021f 2022f 2023f 2024f 2025 ■ Jubilee ■TEN ■SGN (Oil+ Cond) 2018f 2019f 2020f 2021f 2022f 2023f 2024f 2025f ■ Jubilee ■TEN AG ■TEN NAG ■SGN Source: GNPC Clear and effective energy and power strategy that encompasses both domestic consumption and value-added exports Upstream Jubillee, TEN & Sankofa Fields FPSOS Nkrumah (2010/11) FPSO Mills (2016/17) Unnamed FPSO (2017/18) Midstream Downstream Industrialisation-to-Power Output -> Exports Distribution Generation Petro-chemicals Agriculture industry inputs 33
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