Cenovus's Diversified & Resilient Business Model slide image

Cenovus's Diversified & Resilient Business Model

DELIVERING RESULTS Track record of improving business fundamentals 2017-2020 2021-2022 2023 2024 - 2028 $6.0 billion long-term debt reduction¹ Significant sustaining capital and operating cost reductions Improved market access for our Oil Sands production Strategic divestitures Husky acquisition and the integrated model Strategic divestitures $3.9 billion in shareholder returns² $5.4 billion long-term debt reduction Realized over $1.4 billion in synergies Toledo acquisition and startup Superior startup $2.8 billion in shareholder returns² $1.6 billion long-term debt reduction Initiated three-year high- value growth investment cycle 100% excess free funds flow to investors Maintain net debt at $4.0 billion Complete growth investment cycle Focus on disciplined operations and integration Downstream profitability Sunrise acquisition Note: See Advisory. 1) Long-term debt including current portion, as at June 30, 2017. 2) Includes, as applicable, base & preferred dividends, NCIB purchases, variable dividends and payments allocated to the common share warrant obligations. cenovus ENERGY 6
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