Investor Presentaiton
Average cost for the Department of Health to
undertake system manager functions per
health service provider full time equivalent
Outcome 3
Health system
The Department of Health, in supporting the system manager, sets the vision and
direction for the WA health system. It also provides executive oversight of strategic
decision making, identifies health system priorities, and guides, oversees and
manages the statewide health system. This includes the delivery of government
priorities and responding to the emerging and current needs of the Western
Australian community. Overall, the aim is to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe
and timely health services.
This indicator measures the efficiency with which the Department of Health
undertakes its role in supporting the system manager.
The target unit cost for 2022-23 is $4,632 per full time equivalent worker to
undertake system manager functions.
Improved or maintained performance is demonstrated by a result below or
equal to the target.
In 2022-23, the cost of the department to undertake system manager functions
per health service provider full time equivalent was $5,490 (see Table 30). The
variance to target is attributable to funding associated with major reform initiatives.
This includes the Outpatient Reform Program and the establishment of the
State Health Operations Centre at the department that will focus on improving
coordination and collaboration between hospitals and other health service
providers to improve patient flow and ease pressures on the health system
including the demand on emergency departments.
The overall reduced expenditure associated with the COVID-19 response in
2022-23 has resulted in a variance to 2021-22.
Table 30: Average cost for the Department of Health to undertake system manager
functions per health service provider full time equivalent, 2019-20 to 2022-23
Average cost
About us
1. Health service providers include North Metropolitan Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service, East
Metropolitan Health Service, Child and Adolescent Health Service, WA Country Health Service, Health Support
Services, PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA, and Department of Health staff that provide a public health
regulatory function.
2. Full Time Equivalent figures (FTE) used in the calculation of this indicator are based on Actual (Paid) month to date FTE.
Data sources: Oracle 11i Financial System, Department of Health; Human Resource Data Warehouse.
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