Experian Results Presentation Deck slide image

Experian Results Presentation Deck

FY22 Highlights 13 Revenue (Ongoing activities) EBIT (Ongoing activities) EPS Operating cash flow Dividend Funding and liquidity Total revenue growth Organic revenue growth Constant FX rates Actual FX rates 17% Benchmark EBIT growth Benchmark EBIT margin progression Benchmark earnings per share growth Benchmark operating cash flow conversion Benchmark operating cash flow growth Total dividend per share growth Net debt to Benchmark EBITDA 17% 12% 19% 60 bps 21% 19% 40 bps 21% 109% 22% 10% Certain financial data has been rounded within this presentation. As a result of this rounding, the totals of data presented may vary slightly from the arithmetic totals of such data. Revenue, Benchmark EBIT growth and Benchmark EBIT margin are on an ongoing activities basis. FX = foreign exchange. O Experian Public experian. Results US$6,267m US$ 1,640m USC 124.5 US$1,800m USC 51.75 1.9x
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