Investor Presentaiton
Governance Structure
Board of Directors
The Company has developed a periodically
revisited remuneration policy for Board members.
The policy has fixed component for Board
membership and attending meetings and
performance-related variable component. The
proposed remuneration of Board members shall
be presented to the General Assembly for
Executive Management
All financial, administrative and head office
services are provided by resources from Qatar
Petroleum under a service-level agreement
Disclosure and transparency
The Board ensures that all disclosures are made
in accordance with the requirements set by
regulatory authorities, and that accurate, complete
and non-misleading information is provided to all
shareholders in an equitable manner.
Shareholders' rights
The Company's Articles of Associations provide for
the rights of shareholders, particularly the rights to
receive dividends, attend the General Assembly and
participate in its deliberations and vote on decisions,
tag along rights as well as the right to access
information and request it with no harm to the
Company's interests.
Company's control system
The Company adopted an internal control system that
consists of policies and operating procedures for risk
management, internal and external audit, monitoring
Company's compliance with the relevant regulations.
Clear lines of self-control, responsibility and
accountability throughout the Company are therefore
The internal control framework is overseen by the
Executive Management, the Audit Committee and the
Board of Directors.
QAMCO, IR Presentation, Q4-20View entire presentation