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Investor Presentaiton

Bolobip - Drill Targets W 2000m A 1500m Bolopip Au-Cu project - Mineralisation Model - Interpretive Section A-A' 1:1: Vertical:Horizontal Scale ANSIG Magnetic Anomalism Soil/Wacker Gold Anomalism Soil/Wacker Copper Anomaliam Fresh Intrusive 1000m 572,000mE Intense Magnetite-Hematite & Hydrothermal Brecca 573,000mE DEMAGNETISED ANNULUS Bench 3-95m @ 1.28 Au, 521 Cu E (Incl. 10m @ 2.59 Au, 894 Cu) Pyritic Fracture Stockwork Bench 1-70m @ 0.86 Au, 440 Cu (off-section) Silica-Clay Lithocap H Distal Carbonate-Base-metal Veining Phyllic Alteration Quartz Propylitic Alteration Stockwork TARGETS ZONE 574,000E Koum Monzonite $75,000mmE Propylitic Alteration Fresh Intrusive (Strongly magnetic) Recent Chaotic Colluvium Deposits Magnetite-Hematite Gossan (minerali Polymicitc Hydrothermal Breccia (partially milled- mineralised) Lithocap (Silica-Clay alteration) (Undifferentiated Protoliths) Monzonite (contain primary biotite) Mineralised Monzonite (contain primary biotite) Pre/Post Mineral Undifferentiated Diorites, Dacites & Hornblende-Felspar Porphyrys (Bolopip Stock) Limestone (fossiliferous) of the Darai Limestone Group Undifferentiated siltstone, mudstone, sandstone & shale of the Kuabgen Group Ep Major Structure Epidote Zone (Strong Propylitic Alt'n) Possible Drill Target Increasing Stockwork Intensity 573,600E A A multi-phase intrusive complex. 3 drill targets ready to drill. Latest data shows coherent 1km diameter copper and gold anomaly. Classic geochemical signature of a leached cap above a mineralised copper-gold porphyry system. Extensive surface gold mineralisation in trench channel samples (CRA exploration, 1990s). 17 NIUMINCO
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