Investor Presentaiton
✈ Houston is the most populous city in Texas and the 4th most populous in
the United States
✈ The City and HAS expect to be an integral part of the national economy
✈ The City and HAS entered COVID-19 in a strong financial position
✈ COVID-19 impacted HAS operations, reaching a low in April, but
monthly activity through July trends toward recovery with pre-COVID-19
levels expected by FY2024
✈ $200m of CARES Act funding coupled with budgetary actions and
structured refunding savings will be financially beneficial to the System
as it operates during the pandemic
✈ Strong management team
✈ Expects to maintain or increase liquidity position with days cash on
hand in FY20 at 470 days and an anticipated increase to 493 days cash
on hand in FY21
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