MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation
Copyright MuniFin
Appendix 8
Social Housing
Jousenpuistonkatu, Housing by Setlementtiasunnot
Building containts 58 apartments of which 15 are for special groups. Standard ARA
criteria applies to the standard apartments
Finance: EUR 10,404,200
Target population: Disabled, people with mental health problems, immigrants and low
income population
Rationale for investment: Providing affordable housing close to public transportation (5
minutes to metrostation).
Social Evaluation Team's rationale: Setlementtiasunnot is a producer of housing whose
housing concept is truly praiseworthy, as it diversifies the concept of 'normal', integrates
members of special groups into the rest of society and supports the strengthening of all
the residents' sense of community. Communal housing solutions allow special groups to
become involved with the wider community, which reduces loneliness, increases
participation, prevents social exclusion and decreases the need for institutional housing
and care. Some of the residents of these buildings are immigrants, and the project may
profoundly promote their integration. The apartments have housing coordinators, who
support the residents and utilize the common areas in their activities. Third sector
organisations also organise activities in the common area.
Housing location: City of Espoo
Population: 289,731 (2019)View entire presentation