Investor Presentaiton
Group Financial Results for the six months ended 30 June 2020
Glossary & Definitions
Non-interest income
Non-recurring items
Non-interest income comprises Net fee and commission income, Net foreign exchange gains and net gains on financial instrument transactions and disposal/dissolution of subsidiaries and associates
(excluding net gains on loans and advances to customers at FVPL), Insurance income net of claims and commissions, Net gains/(losses) from revaluation and disposal of investment properties and
on disposal of stock of properties, and Other income.
Non-recurring items as presented in the 'Consolidated Condensed Interim Income Statement - Underlying basis' relate to the following items, as applicable: (i) advisory and other restructuring costs -
organic, (ii) restructuring costs – Voluntary Staff Exit Plan (VEP), (iii) Provisions/net loss relating to NPE sales, including restructuring expenses, (iv) Loss on remeasurement of investment in associate
upon classification as held for sale (CNP) net of share of profit from associates, and (v) Reversal of impairment of DTA and impairment of other tax receivables.
According to the EBA standards and ECB's Guidance to Banks on Non-Performing Loans (published in March 2017), NPEs are defined as those exposures that satisfy one of the following conditions:
(i) the borrower is assessed as unlikely to pay its credit obligations in full without the realisation of the collateral, regardless of the existence of any past due amount or of the number of days past due,
(ii) defaulted or impaired exposures as per the approach provided in the Capital Requirement Regulation (CRR), which would also trigger a default under specific credit adjustment, distress
restructuring and obligor bankruptcy, (iii) material exposures as set by the CBC, which are more than 90 days past due, (iv) performing forborne exposures under probation for which additional
forbearance measures are extended, and (v) performing forborne exposures under probation that present more than 30 days past due within the probation period. When a specific part of the
exposures of a customer that fulfils the NPE criteria set out above is greater than 20% of the gross carrying amount of all on balance sheet exposures of that customer, then the total customer
exposure is classified as non-performing; otherwise only the specific part of the exposure is classified as non-performing. The NPEs are reported before the deduction of allowance for expected loan
credit losses (as defined).
The exit criteria of NPE forborne are the following:
1. The extension of forbearance measures does not lead to the recognition of impairment or default
2. One year has passed since the forbearance measures were extended
3. There is not, following the forbearance measures, any past due amount or concerns regarding the full repayment of the exposure according to the post forbearance conditions
NPE coverage ratio (previously
'NPE Provisioning coverage ratio')
NPE ratio
NPES sales
Operating profit
Phased-in Capital Conservation
Buffer (CCB)
Bank of Cyprus Holdings
The NPE coverage ratio is calculated as the allowance for expected loan credit losses (as defined) over NPEs (as defined).
NPEs ratio is calculated as the NPEs as per EBA (as defined) divided by gross loans (as defined).
NPE sales refer to sales of NPE portfolios completed in each period and contemplated sale transactions, as well as potential further NPE sales, at each reporting date, irrespective of whether or not
they met the held for sale classification criteria at the reporting dates. They include both Project Helix and Project Helix 2, as well as other portfolios.
The NSFR is calculated as the amount of "available stable funding" (ASF) relative to the amount of "required stable funding" (RSF), on the basis of Basel III standards. Its calculation is a SREP
requirement. The EBA NSFR will be enforced as a regulatory ratio under CRR II in 2021.
Open Market Value
Comprises profit before Total loan credit losses, impairments and provisions (as defined), tax, (profit)/loss attributable to non-controlling interests and non-recurring items (as defined).
percentage points
Relates to all business lines excluding Restructuring and Recoveries Division ("RRD"), REMU and non-core overseas exposures
In accordance with the legislation in Cyprus which has been set for all credit institutions, the applicable rate of the CCB is 1.25% for 2017, 1.875% for 2018 and 2.5% for 2019 (fully phased-in).
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