Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island
Data Collection, Reporting, and Use
Recommendation 8 I Adopt a central database for DV data collected across
systems partners and create guidelines for tracking, reporting, and sharing
information on DV prevalence and incidences in coordination with the Rhode Island
Coalition Against Domestic Violence's existing data collection practices.
All domestic violence data should also include demographic information, such as self-reported race and
ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic status to note disparities. Systems partners include the following:
✓ BH and SUD providers ✓DV service providers
✓ Judiciary
✓ Law enforcement
✓ Victim services
✓ Any other community agencies designated by the
Executive Working Group
Recommendation 9 | Provide technical support to the Rhode Island Public Safety
and Grants Administration Office as they standardize DV data collection and
publication practices.
The Council of State Governments Justice Center | 35View entire presentation