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Investor Presentaiton

Regional Exploration and Growth - Cameron Well Another significant regional discovery opportunity14 • • • Circular magnetic high lying beneath the 6km² gold-in-regolith anomaly is the Cameron Well Syenite Complex Large intrusive complex, 1.1km diameter Core of the magnetic anomaly is outcropping syenite. Rock chips show: Syenite assays up to 12.1g/t Au In-situ quartz veins assay up to 7.9g/t Au Southern margin of circular magnetic complex shows outcropping syenite with old workings. Rock chips show: Quartz veining up to 13.3g/t Au Cameron Well syenite very similar in appearance to Jupiter syenite (host to 1.4Moz) DACIAN GOLD LIMITED/ 414.500mF Rock Chips (Au ppm) > 5 1-5 0.3-1 0.1 0.3 68 < 0.1 6,818,000mN M 39/441 6,817,500mN 414 500mE 415,000mE 415,500mE M 39/287 Cameron Well Syenite Complex 12.1g/t 3.8g/t 7.9g/t 3.8g/t 1100m 1.8g/t 1.2g/t E 39/1310 6,818,000mN 6,818,000mN Old Workings 13.3g/t 1.5g/t 250 Metres 6,817,500mN 415,000mE 415,500mE 14 Refer to ASX release - 7 February 2017 22
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