Integrated Report 2020 slide image

Integrated Report 2020

Braskem INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 CAPITAL PERFORMANCE 56 A MESSAGE FROM THE BUSINESS LEADER BRASKEM STRATEGIC PLANNING ABOUT THE REPORT CREDITS Our performance of the carbon intensity indicator (tCO2e/t produced) considers the impact of accumu- lated Scopes 1 and 2 emissions (Market-based; tCO₂e) compared to the company's total production (tons produced). Despite our progress in absolute terms, Braskem's carbon intensity increased by 4.6% com- pared to 2019, reaching a value of 0.669 tCO2e / t. This increased intensity can be attributed mostly to the 5% smaller production volume, leading to lower ener- gy performance in the units, while the events of the pandemic of Covid-19 made it impossible to schedule maintenance stops in some industrial units. Reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by more than 17% between 2008 and 2020. Reached 94% of our 2020 long-term climate change goals. This means we avoided the emission of almost 30 million tons CO2e, equivalent to planting more than 200 million trees. SIGNIFICANT ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS (TONS.) GRI 305-7, SASB RT-CH-120A.1. 2018 2019 2020 NOX 10,566 11,529 11,908 SOX 4,871 3,982 5,989 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 9,091 8,753 7,523 Toxic air pollutants¹ 595 551 526 Particulate matter (MP) 1,381 932 976 Others² 7,989 6,622 4,810 1. Includes Toxic Air Pollutants and HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutants). 2. Includes total hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. The results came from the purchase and use of renewable energy sources, besides efficiency gains in our units
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