Frasle Mobility's New Positioning and Randoncorp Investments
Health & Safety risk management
GRI 403-2
Aimed at minimizing health and safety risks in our
operations, the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
department, in conjunction with leaders and other
employees, carries out work focused on surveying the
main hazards in our work environment. The result is
shared with the rest of the team so that everyone may
work on safer alternatives for the operation, as well as
follow preventive and control measures.
Since 2020, as part of our strategy to zero serious
accidents, we have identified and classified the
so-called critical risks in each of our units. In addition,
we monitor and manage critical risks through indicators
that consider all accidents and incidents in this
category: the Frequency Rate of SIFS (Serious Injuries
and Fatalities) and PSIFS (Potential Serious Injuries and
Fatalities). Both are reported regularly and followed up
by the CEO and Managing Directors at the HSE meeting.
A multidisciplinary team investigates these occurrences,
with the goal of identifying their causes, eliminating
risks and sending alerts with information about the
occurrence to everyone in the unit. In the case of
critical occurrences, we rely on the lesson learned, a
document prepared by a unit representative detailing
the occurrence, root cause, and correction actions,
shared with all units with the purpose of providing
coverage so that everyone can take action to prevent
similar situations from happening.
In case of new acquisitions, we conduct a risk
assessment during the due diligence process and
establish an action plan, which may extend for up to two
years, aimed at minimizing risks considered critical.
In 2022, as part of the strategy to minimize critical risks,
we identified the opportunity to increase the synergy
among units that present similar risks, expediting
the search for and implementation of solutions.
Therefore, we created seven Thematic Groups, each
group focusing on a critical risk, composed and led by
industrial managers, supported by the occupational
safety technical team.
The thematic groups meet monthly and work based
on the results of the monthly indicators and on the
lessons learned. Their work progress is reported to the
Executive Committee on a regular basis.
Reporting Risk Situations
Following the ATTITUDE - Report any non-compli-
ant situation, we encourage employees and service
providers to report occurrences, risk situations and
suggestions for improvements in our reporting chan-
nels, such as the Randon App, and the Ethics Channel,
with guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity. These
occurrences are addressed to the responsible areas
for evaluation, analyzed, when relevant, in the units'
performance meetings and implemented if necessary.
In addition, all workers and contractors are instructed
to follow the ATTITUDE - Stop the activity in case of
risk, reporting the identified situation to the immedi-
ate manager.
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