Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 Performance [GRI 403-9 | EM-EP-320A.2] [GRI 403-5] Training We record and investigate all types of incidents such as accidents and near- accidents regardless of their severity. We have our own customized computerized tool with records of communications, investigations, approvals, and action management processes to eliminate root causes of incidents and other risks. After an investigation, all incidents are reviewed and approved by the head of the unit where the event occurred along with the corporate HSE team. Furthermore, the most serious incidents are subject to a security alert sent by corporate HSE to all operational units to avoid recurrences. In 2020, 46 near accidents were recorded. Three near accidents (about 6.5% of the total) had a potential severity level of 3 (the highest level). The total number is higher than 2019, in which 39 near accidents were recorded, but with a 50% drop in the number of near accidents of level 3 potential. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our preventive actions. Among typical accidents, the greatest cause was traffic accidents (approximately 25%). In response, we reviewed our vehicle usage and control procedures, as well as HSE contractual requirements. We also launched a traffic safety campaign. Furthermore, we recorded a higher percentage of accidents with hand and finger injuries. In the first half of 2021, we will publish an awareness campaign on this topic. During the year we had 33 accidents, eight of which lost time (five on construction sites and three in operations), and one that involved our own employees. Following this scenario, in which a large portion of accidents resulted from the activities of contractors, we conducted our first cycle of contractor audits. Considering that one of the biggest causes of accidents stemmed from failures in the preliminary risk analysis (PRA) of the task, we standardized the PRA procedure for all operational units and conducted widespread training. SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL Suppliers - Contractor audits We instruct and train all our own employees and contractors on safety procedures during the onboarding process. The HSE department provides the details and protection actions related to the risks of each unit/activity, as well as the specifics of our HSE management system. We also have routine training programs carried out according to the training matrix, following legal requirements and internal regulations. During the year, training was carried out across all operational units in the corporate procedures of PRA, WP, and Loto (regulations created in 2020). Training was carried out in person by local HSE departments of units for employees and contractors after corporate HSE prepared the content and held the first training round for local HSEs. In 2020, considering our safety performance, we also carried out two major communication campaigns: the reinforcement of the Eneva's "golden rules" and the correct use and control of vehicles. For both campaigns we developed remote training programs with tests to determine content learning progress. In addition, health awareness lectures are promoted every year. Topics such as breast, prostate, and skin cancer, as well as depression, were discussed in 2020 by guest experts. In the span of one year, we offered more than 250,000+ hours of training covering topics of health, safety and the environment across all operational units for both employees and contractors. APPENDICES Detailed information on safety performance. ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED CAPITAL HUMAN CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 84
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