Portrait of an Ascending Sovereign Credit
Investment Highlights
The strong banking sector, flexible and resilient economy, the Governments ability to the swift reaction
in emergency situations leads to the ability to react and overcome external shocks. Latvia previously
has showed a strong ability to recover from the crisis and the Governments swift actions and decisions
taken during the Covid-19 crisis will, as experts have expressed, lead to recovery in 2021.
Flexible and Resilient Economy
→government swift actions to
stablise the economy
Sustainable Debt Levels
and Prudent Fiscal
→ Investor attractiveness
Belongs to the Core of Europe
→ EZ membership
→ Member of all the important
international organizations
Resilient towards external
→ Proven track record in overcoming
economic crisis in the past
Predictable public policies
and outstanding track record
of successful structural
Banks Well Capitalised, Profitable
and Liquid
→ Predominately foreign owned, resident-
serving banking sector
→Comprehensive financial sector reforms
Stable Credit Ratings
Investors confidence boosted by
institutional, fiscal and macroeconomic
Diversified Export
→ Strong ICT and business services export
growth in 2019
→continued growth in wood and wood
products in 2019.View entire presentation