Improving Governance in Africa slide image

Improving Governance in Africa

°CICERO MSCI Corporate Responsibility rated by Prime Third party assurance "A clear impression of an institution that is well aware of the challenges posed by climate change as well as other environmental and social concerns that may be associated with investments projects. In particular we are pleased with the consciousness shown towards the external impacts of projects both across space and time" CICERO, 1st September 2013 "On a relative benchmarking with other supranationals and development banks, the bank continues to demonstrate robust benefits and programs to attract and retain talent. Additionally, the bank has a well-defined system in place to manage credit and reputational risks arising from these impacts." MSCI ESG Research, 5th December 2014 The company's environmental social lending and investment banking guidelines cover client-related environmental and social risks and impact management aspects, including risk and impact assessments, effective stakeholder engagement and grievance mechanisms. Oekom Corporate Rating, 12th December 2014 oekom research vigeo rating The way to responsible investment. "AfDB's overall Corporate Social Responsibility performance is considered advanced in absolute terms (63/100) and it has significantly increased since last review (July 2014) " "AfDB displays an homogeneous approach to the management of its ESG impacts, achieving an advanced performance in all the three pillars. As for the Governance pillar, ESG issues appear to be integrated in the governance strategy with material ESG issues discussed at board meetings and the related risks covered by internal controls. The institution Environmental strategy addresses the material issues related to its business operations, and environmental and climate safeguards are implemented. As regards the Social pillar, AfDB discloses extensive measures to foster consultation of Stakeholders in its projects and thematic policies, in addition tools have been set up to monitor the achievement of its development goals in its member countries." Vigeo, August 2016 67
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