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Investor Presentaiton

Chapter VI - Debt, Pension and GPF Liabilities Sector Wise Composition of Total Outstanding Debt as of 30-06-2020 Agriculture & Livestock Transport & Communication Education Urban & Community Development Healthcare Governance Industries and Infrastructure Energy Environment Tourism DO (% of total outstanding debt) 116 Do a Do 29% 24% 22% 12% 5% 4% 2% 2% 0.2% a • 0.1% Domestic Debt Domestic liability of the Government consists of Cash Development Loans (CDLs) obtained from the Federal Government for agriculture purposes under SCARP program for barani areas of the Punjab mainly, at fixed interest rates with maturity of 25 years. Many of these loans have already been repaid and the outstanding amount of CDLs as of Jun 20 is estimated as PKR6.73 billion. Domestic debt stock includes only direct borrowing by GoPb. The borrowing on account of commodity financing is not included in the domestic debt of GoPb because such borrowing is securitized through wheat stock as well as the Guarantee of Federal Government. Foreign Debt PKR 15.19 bm outstanding amount of CDLs as of Jun 20 Punjab's foreign debt portfolio is highly concessional with an average maturity of 9 years as of June '20. The World Bank (including IBRD and IDA) is the leading creditor with 44% share of the total outstanding debt followed by ADB with 27% share in foreign debt stock. Foreign Debt stock also includes bilateral loans from China, Japan and France. Creditor wise composition is provided in Table 6.3 below. Punjab's foreign/external debt is heavily denominated in USD which is 78% of the total foreign loans followed by Japanese Yen (JPY) with a share of 8%. Table 6.4 below explains the composition of the foreign debt stock by currency. Page 48
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