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Grand Canal Industrial Estates (GCIE)
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In 2010, Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, in its land use
planning map for Region 6, listed the area for development of a Deep-sea
Port, New Airport Runway of 1.2km, and an Industrial Park
The GCIE location can service import/export of agricultural products and other goods which are
transported from the landlocked state of Roraima in Brazil, once the Brazil/Guyana road is
A report prepared by the study team of the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India (1), on
the construction of a deep-sea port in Guyana, identified the eastern bank of the Berbice
River as the preferred location
Quote from this Report: "The aforementioned factors strongly suggest need for a deep sea port with a
modern container terminal in Guyana. This will greatly improve Guyana's maritime access, reduce its
dependence on transshipment of its cargo at a Caribbean port resulting in savings in freight/handling costs
and also help Guyana reap economic benefits from its integration into North East Brazil. The ideal location
for this purpose appears to be New Amsterdam near the mouth of Berbice River considering the available
channel depth and large tract of available land suitable for multi user terminals with ancillary facilities."
(1) "Report Of The Study Team On Construction Of Deep Water Port In Berbice River Of Guyana"
- Prepared by Ministry of Shipping on the Request of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India (April 2010)
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