Earnings and Dividend Growth Report slide image

Earnings and Dividend Growth Report

Global Wealth Management $MM, except AUM/AUA Q3/20 Y/Y Q/Q • Reported Net Income¹ $321 +6% +6% • Pre-Tax, Pre Provision Profit $435 +5% +6% Revenue $1,135 +1% Expenses $700 (3%) (2%) PCLS $1 N/A N/A . YEAR-OVER-YEAR HIGHLIGHTS Adjusted Net Income up 6%² Revenue up 2% excluding divestitures o Higher brokerage fees from strong iTRADE volumes o Strong retail mutual fund net sales Adjusted Expenses down 3%² Productivity Ratio 61.7% (170 bps) (170 bps) . AUM ($B) $293 (1%) +6% Adjusted YTD operating leverage of +2.4%², excluding divestitures AUA($B) $503 +2% +5% Adjusted² • Net Income¹ $332 +6% +6% • Pre-Tax, Pre Provision Profit $450 +5% +5% Expenses $685 (3%) (2%) PCLS $1 N/A N/A Productivity Ratio 60.3% (190 bps) (160 bps) o Third consecutive quarter with positive operating leverage Adjusted productivity ratio² improved 190bps Excluding divestitures, AUM up 4% and AUA up 6% o Driven by market recovery from prior quarter and strong net sales ADJUSTED NET INCOME ¹² ($MM) AND ROE² (%) -1,2 13.5% 13.6% 13.7% 13.8% 1 Attributable to equity holders of the Bank 2 Refer to Non-GAAP Measures on slide 45 for adjusted results 14.3% 332 318 312 314 314 1 2 332 311 312 318 314 Q3/19 Q4/19 Q1/20 Ex. Divested Ops Q2/20 Q3/20 Divested Ops 44
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