Doing Business in Russia
16 Doing Business in Russia
Number of shareholders or
It only takes one participant (individual
or legal entity) to establish an LLC and/
or a JSC. However, LLCs and JSCs
cannot be established by another solely-
owned legal entity.
The maximum number of participants
in an LLC is limited to 50 people. If
the number of participants in an LLC
exceeds 50, then the LLC should be
reorganised into a JSC or a production
cooperative within one year. The
number of shareholders in a JSC is not
limited by law.
Managing directors
The statutory minimum charter capital
for an LLC is RUB10,000 (approximately
Payment of capital
For an LLC, 100% of the charter capital
should be paid within 4 months from
the date of its registration with the
state. Alternatively, at the discretion
of the founder, the charter capital can
be paid in full or partially before the
LLC is state registered. If this option is
chosen, a temporary account should
be opened by the founder(s) in a
Russian bank. Upon registration of the
LLC, this account should be closed
and the funds transferred to current
accounts that have been opened.
For a JSC, 50% of the charter capital
must be paid within three months of
its state registration, and the balance
must be paid in full within the year
following state registration.
Charter capital contributions
can be made in monetary
form or in-kind. Monetary
contributions should not be
any less than the statutory
minimum charter capital.
In-kind contributions require
independent appraisal
(irrespective of their value).
Bank accounts
Rouble and foreign currency accounts
can be opened after registration,
though they must meet certain
government and bank requirements.
Establishment costs
A shareholder (participant) in an LLC or
JSC must pay a state registration fee
of RUB4,000 (approximately USD62),
which is payable at the moment the
registration documents are filed.
In addition, if a JSC wants its share
issue to be registered, there is a
registration fee of up to RUB200,000
(approximately USD3,080).
There are additional fees for
translating and notarising documents.
Professional fees for document
collection, the preparation of an
organisation's documents, and
document submission range from
USD7,000 to USD 10,000 for an LLC
and from USD 13,000 to USD16,000
for a JSC (fees for having the entity
established in Moscow).
Net assets position
If an LLC's or JSC's net assets on its
balance-sheet fall below its charter
capital as of the end of the financial
year, with the exception of the first
two financial years, the company must
undertake one of the following actions:
(1) Increase its net assets; or
(2) Reduce its charter capital to an
amount not exceeding its net assets
(but not lower than the statutory
minimum amount of charter
If, for the same period as indicated
above, an LLC or a JSC has net assets
worth less than the minimum charter
capital required by law, the company
is subject to being liquidated. In the
event that voluntary liquidation is not
undertaken by the shareholders or
participants, then the government
authorities are likely to petition a
court for liquidation, and creditors are
likely to demand early termination
or the fulfillment of obligations and
compensation for losses. In practice,
forced liquidation is rare if a company
meets its obligations (including taxes).
If, for two consecutive years,
an LLC or a JSC has net assets
less than the minimum charter
capital required by law, the
company is subject to being
liquidated. A low/negative net
asset position can be rectified
through capital injection in the
form of gratuitous financing or
asset contributions (available
only for an LLC). In practice,
an increase in charter capital
can also recover a low/
negative net assets situation
if it is done with an additional
premium to a negative
position (including a debt-to-
equity conversion).
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