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Investor Presentaiton

2022 Integrated Sustainability Report > Responsibility = < 73 > In 2022, the program allowed the production of more than 1 million native tree seedlings and the reforestation of 253.9 hectares in these two biomes. Since the beginning of our hydropower concessions, 4,937 hectares have already been reforested. From 2023 to 2029, we have the commitment to reforest additional 1,470 hectares. Our 2030 ESG Commitments also establish that we must increase reforestation by at least 20% in addition to the commitment to recover occupied areas by 2030. This means that we must voluntarily carry out the reforestation of additional 352.5 hectares, of which 10 we have already done in 2022. After five years, Mãos na Mata is a mature project that brings together several stakeholder groups and currently incorporates social and environmental projects for income generation and appreciation of the regional culture, in addition to partnerships with universities. In addition to these initiatives, we participate in the master plan work group for the Environmental Protection Areas (APAs) of Corumbataí, in the city of Botucatu, and Tejupá and Tanquã, in São Paulo. At the same time, we are members of Caminhos da Semente, an initiative coordinated by Agroicone in partnership with Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), which promotes the dissemination of direct sowing methodology of native seeds and seeks to create demand for such seeds to boost income generation for the local community. Biodiversity indicators Total hectares of Atlantic Forest and Cerrado restored Total tree seedlings produced Total endangered species conserved through projects Investment in environmental programs (R$) 2022 2021 2020 253.9 251.5 243.44 1,054,108 3 18,247,688 1,000,000 2 16,412,920 1,000,000 3 12,254,167 aes Brasil
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