JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report
GRI 3-3 Environmental safety and environmental protection
management. Performance assessment
The environmental footprint of the nuclear power industry is substantially smaller than that of carbon-
based power generation using fossil fuels. Nuclear power generation produces virtually no emissions of
hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere, including those that destroy the ozone layer or contribute to
the greenhouse effect.
JSC Atomenergoprom's organisations attach great importance to environmental safety and operate
responsibly in accordance with the following principles:
Giving priority to preserving natural ecosystems;
Making use of the latest scientific achievements and ensuring environmental safety as a mandatory
Transparency and making information on environmental aspects of operations of organisations in the
industry publicly available.
The goals and initiatives of ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom in the field of environmental safety
and environmental protection are stipulated in the Uniform Industry-Wide Environmental Policy of the
An important tool for the implementation of the environmental policy is a three-year Comprehensive
Implementation Plan. In 2022, the Company approved the Comprehensive Plan for the Implementation
of the Environmental Policy for the period from 2022 through 2024, which includes organisational,
operational and technical measures to be implemented by nuclear organisations.
Inspection visits are carried out as part of the internal safety control system to prevent non-compliance
with legislative and regulatory requirements for environmental protection, including inspections of
environmental protection at production facilities in the industry; the findings of these inspections provide
a basis for the relevant managerial decisions aimed at improving environmental safety performance.
Organisations in the industry continue to develop and implement environmental, energy and quality
management systems, as well as occupational health and safety management systems.
GRI 2-25 To support the implementation of the Environmental Policy of ROSATOM and its organisations and ensure
compliance with environmental legislation, a three-year Comprehensive Plan for the Implementation of
the Environmental Policy of ROSATOM and its Organisations has been developed and approved; it includes
operational and technical measures to be implemented by the organisations in order to reduce the negative
impact of their operations on the environment, among other things.
A five-year industry-wide action plan has been developed to minimise the negative impact of ROSATOM
on the environment until 2025; it is aimed at reducing the negative impact on the atmosphere and the
climate impact, reducing emissions and the use of ozone-depleting substances, reducing the negative
impact of waste on the environment, on water bodies, on biodiversity and its conservation, and reducing
the negative impact on soil, land resources and subsoil; it also includes measures aimed at improving
energy efficiency, controlling and monitoring the impact on various components of the environment and
indicates expected environmental benefits from these measures.
In order to meet statutory requirements, a greenhouse gas emissions accounting system has been
established in the nuclear industry, and steps are being taken for its further improvement.
As part of Russia's commitment to comply with the requirements of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants, an inventory of equipment and waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls has been
compiled in ROSATOM's organisations, and plans are being developed for the decommissioning of such
equipment and the transfer of waste for decontamination/disposal.
Commissions under ROSATOM's General Inspectorate communicate with representatives of regional
departments of federal executive authorities as part of inspections and preventive visits to the organisations.
ROSATOM's Public Council as a collective expert body facilitates communication and cooperation between
the Corporation's organisations and individuals, non-profit organisations, regional and local governments
in Russia and abroad.
In order to minimise environmental risks, during the reporting period, ROSATOM consistently implemented
comprehensive preventive measures approved by the Corporation's Director General to prevent potential
environmental damage from its operations:
1. Directive of ROSATOM on Approval of an Action Plan to Minimise the Negative Impact from ROSATOM
on the Environment until 2025. In 2022, performance of nuclear organisations against the targets set
in the Action Plan stood at 130.4% (23 measures were planned; 30 measures were implemented, with
seven measures implemented ahead of schedule).
2. Directive of ROSATOM on Approval of a Road Map for the Adaptation of ROSATOM and its Organisations
to Climate Change Given the Introduction of State Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the
Russian Federation.
3. Order of ROSATOM on the Establishment of an Industry-Wide Working Group on the Planning of
Measures for the Adaptation of the Industry to Climate Change and the Introduction of State Regulation
of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Financing of environmental measures
In 2022, expenditure on environmental protection in JSC Atomenergoprom's organisations totalled
RUB 17.39 billion, including expenditure on environmental measures totalling RUB 12.69 billion and fixed
asset investment for environmental purposes totalling RUB 4.70 billion.
Environmental costs increased by RUB 4.62 billion in 2022 compared to 2021. The increase was driven
mainly by an increase in investments in water recycling systems at Kursk NPP.
Allocation of JSC Atomenergoprom's environmental costs, RUB billion
Expenditure on environmental measures
Fixed asset investment for environmental purposes
JSC ATOMENERGOPROM / ANNUAL REPORT / 171View entire presentation