Investor Presentaiton
Audit Committee Report
Role of the Committee
The Audit Committee's authorities, duties and responsibilities flow from the Board's oversight
function and the terms of reference are detailed in Committee Charter approved by the Board.
The major responsibilities of the Committee, among others, include:
Review of the quarterly, half-yearly and annual financial statements as well as other financial
results of the company and, upon its satisfaction of the review, recommend them to the
board for approval.
Monitoring and reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of the company's financial reporting
process, internal control and risk management system.
Monitoring and reviewing the arrangements to ensure objectivity and effectiveness of the
external and internal audit functions. Examine audit findings and material weaknesses in the
system and monitor implementation of audit action plans.
Recommending to the Board for appointment, re-appointment or removal of external
Reviewing and monitoring of the Company's ethical standards and procedures to ensure
compliance with the regulatory and financial reporting requirements.
Activities of the Committee on Company's affairs for the year under report
In accordance with Audit Committee Charter, governed by the BSEC notifications on Corporate
Governance, the committee carried out its duties to work on the areas that were raised for
consideration and discussed to evaluate issues related to key events of financial reporting cycles.
During the current financial period under report activities of the committee include, among others:
Reviewed the quarterly and half yearly financial statements of the Company and
recommended to the Board for adoption and circulation as per the requirement of
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).
Assessed the report of the external auditors on critical accounting policies, significant
judgments and practices used by the company in preparation of financial statements.
A. Qasem & Co., Chartered Accountants, have been recommended for re-appointment as
the External Auditors of the Company for the next financial year.
Committee reviewed the effectiveness of internal financial control and the internal audit
• Reviewed the recurrent related party transactions during the year under report.
Reviewed the external auditors' findings arising from audit, particularly comments and
responses of the management.
Reviewed the matters of compliance as per requirements of the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission (BSEC) and ensured corrections, as appropriate, to remain compliant.
The committee is of the opinion that adequate controls and procedures are in place to provide
reasonable assurance that the company's assets are safeguarded and the financial position of the
Company is adequately managed.
On behalf of the Committee
Matt Mue
Mohammad Musa, Ph. D.
The Audit Committee, appointed
by and responsible to the
Board of Directors of Khulna
Power Company Ltd. (KPCL),
is constituted as per the internal
control framework of the
company Policy and conditions
imposed by the Bangladesh
Securities and Exchange
Commission (BSEC). The
present committee comprises
of 3 (Three) members of whom
one are Independent Directors.
The company secretary
functions as the secretary of the
committee as well. Meetings
of the committee are attended
by Managing Director. Besides,
Directors, Head of Internal Audit,
engagement partner of External
Audit, as necessary, are also
invited for their comments. All
members of the committee are
financially literate and able to
interpret financial statements
and assess the adequacy of the
internal control process.
The present committee
members, nominated by the
Board, are:
Mohammad Musa, Ph. D.
Independent Director -
Abul Kalam Azad
Non-Executive Director
Azeeza Aziz Khan
Non-Executive Director
A total of 4 (four) meetings
were held since the last Annual
General Meeting of KPCL
including the meeting dated
23rd October, 2019.
Statutory Auditors
A. Qasem & Co., Chartered Accountants was appointed
as the auditors of the Company in the 20th Annual
General Meeting (AGM). They have carried out the audit
for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the auditors of
the Company will retire in the 21st AGM. Being eligible
under section 212 of the Companies Act, 1994 they
have expressed their willingness for re appointment
for the financial year 2019-2020. Our Board therefore,
in its meeting held on 23 October 2019, resolved to
recommend A. Qasem & Co., Chartered Accountants for
appointment as Statutory Auditors of the Company for
the year ending on 30 June 2020 subject to approval of
the Shareholders in the forthcoming AGM.
Corporate Governance
KPCL believes that enriched corporate governance
contributes to the long term success of a Company and
creates trust and engagement between the company
and its stakeholders. Accordingly, the Board of Directors
and Management strive to maintain full compliance with
the laws, rules and regulations that govern our business
and to uphold the highest standards. KPCL follows an
Integrated Management System (IMS) to maintain all
of its power plants, which includes - ISO 9001:2008
- Quality Management System (QMS), ISO 14001:2004
- Environmental Management System (EMS), BS OHSAS
18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S). A
separate chapter on corporate governance has also been
Going Concern /
While approving the financial statements, the Directors
have made appropriate enquires and analyzed significant
operating and indicative financials which enabled them
to understand the ability of the Company to continue
its operations for a foreseeable future. The Directors are
convinced and have a reasonable expectation that the
company has adequate resources and legal instruments
to continue its operations without interruptions. Therefore,
the Company adopted the going concern basis in
preparing these financial statements.
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