2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report slide image

2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report

A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT & CEO 2021 SUSTAINABILITY HIGHLIGHTS ABOUT MOODY'S BETTER BUSINESS BETTER LIVES BETTER SOLUTIONS APPENDIX Moody's 2021 Stakeholder Sustainability Report 24 EMBEDDING SUSTAINABILITY METRICS INTO EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION We hold our executive leadership accountable for the achievement of our sustainability goals. In 2020, our management team introduced sustainability-related performance metrics for determining compensation of certain senior executives, including the CFO. In 2021, these efforts were expanded with sustainability-related performance metrics, including pre-existing diversity, equity and inclusion targets, being more fully integrated into the Strategic & Operational metrics used to determine annual cash incentive payments for all senior executives. Further, the CFO had his pay tied to the advancement of the company's sustainability programs, including progress on our Decarbonization Plan and best-in-class sustainability-related disclosures and reporting. For more information on our climate targets, see our Decarbonization Plan. Remuneration policies for our highest governance body and senior executives can be found in our 2022 Proxy Statement, pages 22-26, 38-59. For more information on our policies regarding corporate governance, see Additional Resources. KL
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