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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL ESG We now report on some cases of private concessionaires that present the following as distinguishing factors: • • • • • • • Cleaning up of bodies of water • Recovery of green areas Training of local residents for sustainable activities Reuse of sewage sludge Reuse of water Use of solar energy Engagement in public campaigns Educational/pedagogical programs Citizenship programs Compliance - measures/guidelines of the institution focused on the consolidation of the concept Aquapolo (SP) Private contract Considered the largest industrial water reuse industry in South America and one of the largest in the world, Aquapolo has been operated by GS Inima Industrial since 2019. The facility is the result of the part- nership between GS Inima and local water company Sabesp. Aquapolo uses the sewage generated by 1.5 million inhabitants, from the area between the capital and the ABC conurbation of São Paulo State, in order to produce 1,500 liters of reuse water, after due treatment at the WTP of the ABC. Out of this total, 650 liters are delivered to companies in the ABC Pet- rochemical Pole. This volume of water can supply a city of 500,000 inhabitants. Aquapolo's work starts at Sabesp's pump- ing stations, which pump the sewage to the ABC WTP. Sensors installed in the pumping stations first estimate the toxicity of the ef- fluent load that shall reach the WTP in the short term. After the treatment process, the effluents that would be poured into the Meninos Stream (watercourse to which water is routed after treatment) run to the ABC Petrochemical Pole and are then used in various processes, avoiding the use of drinking water in industrial applications. According to the unit, the operational reli- ability is above 99.9%, high quality in reuse Arapiraca (AL) PPP Water Farmers in the city of Arapiraca (AL) are reusing the polypropylene blanket in family farming, and can already witness improve- ments in the production of vegetables. The blanked, of geobag and polypropylene with UV protection, is used for water treatment; in agriculture, it is placed directly on the soil, allowing the cultivation of seedlings, with flow of water and light, favoring productiv- ity and reducing maintenance costs. Con- sidered a pioneer in the state, this method helps productivity, in addition to reducing the plantation maintenance costs. The distribution of blankets is part of the Agreste Rural project, which has been car- ried out since 2018 by the Concessionaire Agreste Saneamento, of the Iguá Group. The first kits were delivered in 2019 to sev- en farm families. The project works in part- nership with the local government of the water. Aquapolo is a pioneer in the use of sanitary effluents for industrial activities, thereby contributing to environmental sus- tainability and helping economic growth, as water, together with electricity, are indispens- able supplies for any production process. city of Arapiraca, which registers produc- ers - preferably organic - so that they can receive geobags. This means that the blan- kets used in the water treatment are 100% recycled. In addition to being sustainable, they provide a 40% reduction in water use in crops as well as reducing the use of pes- ticides as they act as a protective barrier between soil and vegetation. It is also worth mentioning other advances made by Agreste Saneamento (Iguá Group), a water PPP that serves Arapiraca and nine other municipalities of Alagoas. The com- 104 105
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