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Investor Presentaiton

Net interest income Net interest income was up 200 million yen from the previous year due to factors such as increased interest on loans accompanying increased loan balances and decreased interest paid on deposits, despite an increase in foreign currency procurement costs, etc. Breakdown of net interest income Details of each item in net interest income (Average balance and interest rate) (Billion yen) (Billion yen) FY2019 Interest on loans. +0.2 YoY change Interest on loans 61.9 0.2 Interest and dividends on securities 12.7 0.1 Deposits + NCD interest (-) 1.9 Δ 0.3 External procurement costs, etc. (-) 4.5 0.5 Average Interest balance rate +3.2 -3.0 Deposits NCD interest -0.3 Net interest income 68.3 0.2 Changes in loan interest Increased for third consecutive year 79.7 74.3 70.5 68.2 66.1 64.8 63.9 60.9 61.0 61.7 61.9 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY213 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2018 68.1 billion (Billion yen) yen Average Interest balance -0.8 rate +0.9 Interest and dividends on securities +0.1 +0.5 FY2019 68.3 billion yen Average Interest balance rate ±0 -0.3 External procurement costs,etc. +0.2 billion yen 22
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