Investor Presentaiton
Cautionary Statement
The content of this presentation have not been approved by an authorised person within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("the Act"). Reliance on this presentation for the
purpose of engaging in any investment activity may expose an individual to a significant risk of losing all of the property or other assets invested or of incurring additional liability.
Any individual who is in doubt about the investment to which this presentation relates should consult an authorised person who specialises in advising on the acquisition of unlisted shares. This presentation has been
issued by African Lion Gold plc (the "Company") in connection with the proposed placing of ordinary shares by the Company (the "Ordinary Shares").
The information in this presentation, is subject to updating, completion, revision, further verification and amendment. This presentation does not constitute, or form part of, any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any
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This presentation is exempt from the general restriction contained in Section 21 of the Act on the communications of invitations or inducements to engage in investment activity on the grounds that it is directed only at (i)
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In order to qualify as a certified high net worth individual a certificate complying with Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the FPO must have been signed within the period of twelve months ending with the day on which this
communication is made confirming, inter alia, that the individual had an annual income of at least £100,000 or net assets worth £250,000 or more throughout the financial year preceding the date of the certificate.
In order to qualify as a self-certified sophisticated investor a statement complying with Part II of Schedule 5 to the FPO must be signed within the period of twelve months ending with the day on which this communication
is made confirming that at least one of the following applies:
he is a member of a network or syndicate of business angels and has been so for at least the last six months prior to the date of the certificate;
he has made more than one investment in an unlisted company in the two years prior to the date of the certificate;
he is working, or has worked in the two years prior to the date of the certificate, in a professional capacity in the private equity sector, or in the provision of finance for small and medium enterprises;
d) he is currently, or has been in the two years prior to the date of the certificate, a director of a company with an annual turnover of at least £l million.
This presentation and its contents are confidential and must not be distributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any other person. This presentation is being supplied to you solely for your information and may not be
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Neither the issue of this presentation nor any part of its contents is to be taken as any form of commitment on the part the Company to proceed with any transaction and the right is reserved to terminate any discussions
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Neither this presentation nor any copy of it may be (i) taken or transmitted into the United States of America, (ii) distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America or to any US person (within the meaning of
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distribution of this presentation in other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and the persons into whose possession this presentation comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions.
Certain of the information contained in this presentation has been obtained from published sources prepared by other parties. Certain other information has been extracted from unpublished sources prepared by other
parties which have been made available to the Company. The Company has not carried out an independent investigation to verify the accuracy and completeness of such third party information. No responsibility is
accepted by the Company or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers or any other person for the accuracy or completeness of such information.
This presentation contains forward-looking statements and has been based upon a number of assumptions, forecasts and projections which by their nature are forward looking. These statements relate to the future
prospect's developments and business strategies of the Company. Forward-looking statements are identified by the use of such terms as "anticipate", "assumes", "believe", "could", "envisage", "estimate", "expect",
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presentation are based on current expectations and beliefs and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements. If one or more
of these risks or uncertainties materializes, or if underlying assumptions prove incorrect, the Company's actual results may vary materially from those expected, estimated or projected. Given these risks and uncertainties,
potential investors should not place any reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as at, and on the basis of information known at, the date of this presentation.
GOLD plcView entire presentation