Third Quarter 2022 Results
A reinforced Internal Control Set-up
An even more solid control and compliance set-up and ongoing efforts in inserting a
reinforced compliance culture into daily operations
Ongoing improvement of the operating model for combating money laundering and terrorism
A standards-based, risk-adjusted approach, with a risk management set-up shared between business lines and
Compliance officers (know-your-client, reviewing unusual transactions, etc.)
Reinforced Group-level steering with regular reporting to monitoring and supervisory bodies
Ongoing reinforcement of set-up for complying with international financial sanctions:
Rigorous and diligent implementation of measures necessary to the enforcement of international sanctions as soon
as they are released
Broad dissemination of the procedures and intense centralisation, guaranteeing effective and consistent coverage of
the surveillance perimeter
Continuous optimisation of cross-border transaction filtering tools and screening of relationship databases
Ongoing improvement of the anti-corruption framework with increased integration into the Group's
operational processes
Intensified on-line training programme: compulsory programmes on financial security for all employees
(Sanctions & Embargos, Combatting Money Laundering & Terrorism Financing), as well as on combatting corruption,
protecting clients' interests, market integrity and all subjects dealt with in the Group's Code of Conduct
Ongoing missions of the General Inspection dedicated to ensuring financial security within entities
generating USD flows. These successive missions have been conducted since the start of 2015 in the form of 18-
month cycles. The first four cycles achieved a steady improvement in processing and audit mechanisms. The fifth cycle
was begun last year and is proceeding at a good pace despite public health constraints. It confirms the previous trends
and was completed in July 2022. A sixth cycle has been launched based on the same frequencies.
The remediation plan agreed as part of the June 2014 comprehensive settlement with the US
authorities is now almost completed
The bank for a changing world
Third quarter 2022 results | 19View entire presentation