Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara
Legal mining 103-21103-3
We believe that advocating and
supporting fair and ethical mining
practices are fundamental to en-
suring the success of our business
while respecting and protecting
our planet. Illegal and uncontrolled
exploitation significantly affects
the forest's natural environmental
dynamics, destroying vegetation
and polluting soil and water.
In this respect, we are partners with
important organizations that work
towards social and environmental
responsibility in the sector, such as
the Initiative for Responsible Min-
ing Assurance (IRMA), the most
prominent action in the segment.
Our silver comes from suppliers
certified by the Responsible Jew-
ellery Council (RJC), and our gold
is certified by the London Bullion
Market Association (LBMA), Lon-
don's leading physical gold trading
center, which provides assurance
about the mining processes, en-
suring that extraction and mine op-
eration is done correctly and fairly
for people and the environment.
In 2021, we also joined the Corporate
Movement for the Amazon, a stance
of the Brazilian business sector filed
with the Vice-Presidency of the Re-
public and the National Council for
the Legal Amazon, in defense of the
sustainable development agenda
and the fight against deforestation in
the Amazon. In a statement to Bra-
zilian government agencies made in
July, the movement pointed out that
the negative image has an enormous
potential of damage to Brazil, not
only from a reputational standpoint,
but effectively to the development of
businesses and projects essential to
the country.
In 2021, we had no violations of
indigenous peoples' rights in our
own operations or those of third
parties. 411-1
As the largest jewelry chain in Brazil,
we recognize our role as an environ-
mentally-conscious company and
are committed to working together
with our partners, industry peers
and other stakeholders to eradicate
gold extraction and illegal mining in
the Amazon and in areas of environ-
mental protection and preservation.
This commitment was asserted
publicly and disclosed by Vivara in
November of 2019.
Environmental management
103-2 | 103-3 | 413-2 | 306-1 | 306-2
Following the sustainability agenda or-
ganizational development, we also ad-
vanced in the management of our envi-
ronmental impacts in the last two years.
We have an area dedicated to the social
and environmental topic and began the
work of structuring our strategy to build a
sustainability agenda.
Our manufacturing operation, located
in Manaus, is outside of environmental-
ly protected areas and complies with all
current legislation. In 2021, we conducted
the Survey of Environmental Aspects and
Impacts of the factory, seeking to docu-
ment and qualify the operational controls
of our most relevant potential impacts on
the operation's surroundings. The docu-
ment identifies the sources and environ-
mental aspects involved in each process,
including criteria for influence, scope,
and severity, among others. In addition, it
brings together the operational controls
necessary for managing each negative
impact, addressing those responsible for
managing and monitoring them.
The potential impacts identified refer to
the possibility of noise pollution, soil or
water pollution, and reduction of the avail-
ability of non-renewable natural resourc-
es, and to avoid them we perform controls
on waste generation, noise, and effluent
treatment. As 99% of our stores operate
inside established shopping malls in large
cities, we have not identified specific im-
pacts on local communities.
In 2021, we developed our corporate-wide
Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS).
At the factory, the PGRS created in 2020
has been improving the waste manage-
ment system. We count on distributed
and identified collectors in strategic ar-
eas. The residues are sent to a temporary
storage area and are removed by the dis-
posal company on a daily basis, in order
to avoid buildup in our facilities. In the
second half of 2021, we started sending
the waste for incineration, a more envi-
ronmentally-effective treatment, avoiding
landfill exhaustion and soil dumping. The
incinerator used is licensed, and the com-
pany regularly presents gas emission re-
ports. We are committed to zero waste to
landfill, and this goal must be met by our
factory by 2023. We are focused on con-
tinuous improvement of our manufactur-
ing waste management and comply with
the principles of reduced generation, re-
use, recycling, and better environmental
disposal. To do so, we program training
and awareness projects for our employ-
ees, aiming at improving the quality of
segregation at the generating source.
At our factory, we
are committed to
zero waste to
landfill by 2023
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