Investor Presentaiton
The Act on Accounting also requires that all
corporations for which audit is compulsory
(see below) are obliged to prepare an annual
report in addition to financial statements. The
Act on Accounting and also some other acts
specify the disclosure requirements of the
annual report. Financial statements are an inte-
gral part of the annual report as well.
The Act on Corporations requires that all cor-
porations that are part of a group prepare
a report on relations between related parties.
This report forms an integral part of the annual
report where relevant.
Auditing requirements
Audits are compulsory for:
- large accounting units;
- medium accounting units;
small accounting units that are joint-stock
companies and that, in both the current
and previous accounting period, have
met at least one of the following criteria:
- net turnover exceeds CZK
80 million per annum;
― total assets exceed CZK 40 million;
― the average number of
employees exceeds 50;
― all other small accounting units that meet
at least two of the above criteria in both the
current and previous accounting period;
― foundations and certain other
non-profit organisations.
Audit requirements also apply to annual
The auditor expresses an opinion on
whether the annual report is consistent
with the financial statements for the same
financial year and whether it was prepared
in accordance with legal requirements; or
the auditor issues only one report which
comprises their opinion on both the
financial statements and the annual report.
The Act on Auditors defines the responsibility
of the Chamber of Auditors, which authorises
auditors and sets the standards for audits. Au-
dits are carried out in accordance with the Inter
national Standards on Auditing issued by the
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
and relevant guidance (aplikační doložky) of the
Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic.
Auditors must be appointed by a corpora-
tion's general meeting and its supervisory
board is responsible for audit quality supervi-
sion. Public interest entities are also defined in
the Act on Auditors, which stipulates responsi-
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