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Getinge 2022 Annual Report

Getinge 2022 Annual Report Introduction Strategy Corporate Governance Annual Report Sustainability Report Other information Contents Current guidelines for remuneration to senior executives Adopted at the 2022 Annual General Meeting 1. Scope of the guidelines, etc. These guidelines cover the individuals who, during the validity period of the guidelines, are included in the group management of Getinge AB (publ), below referred to as "Senior Executives". The guidelines shall apply for remuneration agreed and amendments in any remunerations already agreed, as of the adoption of the guide- lines by the 2022 Annual General Meeting. The guidelines are not applicable on any remuneration resolved by the General Meeting. 2. Promotion of Getinge's business strategy, long-term interests and sustainability, etc. A prerequisite for successful implementation of the company's business strategy and safeguarding the company's long-term interests is that the company is able to recruit and retain qualified personnel. The main principle is that remuneration and other employment conditions for Senior Executives, shall be in line with market terms and competitive on every market where Getinge operates, to ensure that competent and skilled personnel can be attracted, motivated and retained. Individual levels of remuneration shall be based on experience, competence, level of responsibility and performance, and also the country were the Senior Executive is employed. These guidelines promote the company's business strategy, long-term interests and sustainability as described in the below section regarding criteria for variable remuneration, and contribute to the company's ability to, on a long-term basis, retain qualified personnel. For information regarding Getinge's business strategy, please see the company's annual reports and the website ( 3. Principles for various types of remuneration, etc. The total remuneration to Senior Executives shall be in line with market terms and consist of base salary (fixed cash remuneration), variable cash remuneration, pension benefits and other benefits. In addition, the General Meeting may - irrespective of these guidelines - resolve on, for instance, share- or share price-related remunerations. Fixed remuneration The fixed remuneration, meaning the base salary, shall be based on the individual employee's area of responsibility, authority, compe- tence, experience and performance. Variable remuneration The allocation between base salary and variable remuneration shall be in proportion with the area of responsibility and authority of the executive. The variable remuneration shall always be pre-limited to a maximum amount and related to predetermined and measurable criteria, designed to contribute to the business strategy and long- term added value of the company. The annual variable remuneration is designed to promote the company's strategy to produce and offer products that can support in making health care more efficient in the long-term and to pro- vide better health care for the people who need Getinge's products. If the above-mentioned activities are performed in an efficient and sustainable way, one outcome is improved financial results and increased capital efficiency, which constitutes the foundation of the variable remuneration. The sustainability work is integrated in the company's day-to-day operations. If the company's principles for sustainability or ethical guidelines are not complied with, the company has the possibility to withhold any variable remuneration or reclaim already awarded remuneration. Annual variable remuneration For Senior Executives, the annual variable remuneration (annual bonus) shall be capped at 70% and, in specific cases, were the nature of the position, the competitive situation and the country of employment so require, capped at 90% of the fixed annual base salary. The variable remuneration shall be based on objectives set by the Board of Directors. These objectives are related to (i) earn- ings, (ii) organic growth, (iii) working capital and cash flow, and (iv) sustainability. In order to promote the interest of the shareholders', the company's values and collectively strive to achieve the business strategy, long-term interests and sustainable development of the company, all members of the group management have the same targets for annual variable remuneration. Variable long-term cash bonus (LTI-bonus) In addition to base salary and annual variable remuneration as described above, Senior Executives can obtain a variable long-term bonus (LTI-bonus). The target that forms the basis for the LTI-bonus is adjusted earnings per share for a three year period, adjusted for the category of adjustment items decided at implementation of the program by the Board of Directors at the recommendation by the Remuneration Committee. By connecting the performance target to the shareholders' objective, a common interest to promote Getinge's business strategy, long-term interests and value creation is created. Payment is subject to continued employment at the end of the vesting period for the LTI-bonus (with some customary exceptions). The vesting period for the LTI-bonus shall be not less than three financial years. The payment of LTI-bonus per each three-year program shall be capped to 33% of one year's base salary. A new LTI-bonus program can be set up every year with a duration period of three years. Senior Executives of the group management shall invest not less than 50% of the received LTI-bonus (net, after taxes paid) in Getinge shares, until the Senior Executive's own total hold- ings of shares correspond to one year's salary (gross). The Senior Executive shall keep these shares for at least three years. 63
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