FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation slide image

FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation

Regis Healthcare Limited | FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation Appendix D: Non-IFRS Reconciliation $ millions Loss Before Tax Depreciation Amortisation¹ Net finance costs² Reported EBITDA (post-AASB 16) Add/(deduct) one-off items: COVID-19 and other Government grants COVID-19 outbreak related expenses Gain on disposal of non-current assets FY23 FY22 (40.4) (55.2) 45.1 42.1 81.4 61.0 72.9 70.4 159.0 118.3 (32.5) 16.5 (3.2) 27.7 (11.7) Fair value gain on investment property (7.2) (5.9) Increase in employee entitlements (Fair Work Commission decision)³ 7.3 Write-off of capital work in progress and other write-downs4 12.8 2.9 Professional services costs incurred in relation to potential employee underpayments program 3.1 2.2 Other net losses5 0.1 Underlying EBITDA (post-AASB 16) excluding one-off/non-recurring items 147.4 142.0 RAD/Bond imputed income (AASB 16 impact) (62.9) (62.4) Operating lease expense (AASB 16 impact) (1.2) (1.5) Underlying EBITDA6 (pre-AASB 16) excluding one-off/non-recurring items 83.3 78.1 1Amortisation of operational places on a straight-line basis in accordance with Accounting Standards. Refer page 28 2FY23 net finance costs comprises $73.6 million of finance costs, partially offset by $0.7 million of finance income. No finance income was generated in FY22 ³Represents increase to employee entitlements expense as at 30 June 2023 required to reflect the Fair Work Commission's decision to increase modern award wage rates by 15% from 30 June 2023 4Write-off of capital work in progress and other write-downs include (1) write-off of $11.5 million of costs incurred for development activities in prior periods on projects that are not expected to continue in line with Regis' strategic objectives and (2) write-down of $1.3 million to reduce the carrying amount of the operating investment properties to their fair value less costs to sell 5Other net losses includes $1.3 million incurred for regulatory penalties (including external advisors and additional costs) relating to the Sanction and Notice to Agree (NTA) applied to Port Coogee on 11 August 2022 by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) and $0.8 million incurred in relation to other one-off items, offset by $2.0 million recognised as gain on lease modification due to the early termination of Regis' head office lease in Armadale, Victoria, which resulted in the re-measurement of the existing lease asset and liability as at 30 June 2023 6Refer page 29 for definition of Underlying EBITDA regis healthcare - 27-
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