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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 Code of Conduct A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL 25 O years abcon sindcon The Brazilian Association and National Union of the Private Concessionaires of Public Services of Water and Sewage (AB- CON SINDCON) complete 25 years old. The entity brings together private compa- nies providing water and sewage services throughout the country (14 holding compa- nies and over 120 concessionaires). The actions developed by ABCON SIND- CON aim to enable conditions for the pri- vate sector to be a protagonist in the uni- versalization of sanitation in Brazil. Generated values: • • • • Valorization of private capital in the sector Strengthening and cohesion of corporate representation Qualified knowledge, credibility and transparency Expansion of market opportunities Based on these premises, the association aims to make a decisive contribution so that private sanitation operators reach a larger and larger part of the Brazilian pop- ulation, acting with innovation and quality. All the activities of ABCON SINDCON are ruled by the Code of Conduct, which es- tablishes minimum behavior requirements that shall govern both its own activities and those of its associated companies. This Code is binding upon the ruling body, the Board of Directors, the advisors and the professionals who represent the mem- ber companies, acting on behalf of the in- stitution. All the involved people assume the obliga- tion to adhere to the specifications, based on the terms of Brazilian Legislation, act- ing in an honest and transparent manner in their relations with each other, with public authorities and civil society. The website pro- vides the Complaints Channel so that oc- casional non-compliance with the Code of Conduct can be reported anonymously. Strategic Planning With the external and internal changes in the sanitation sector, ABCON SINDCON have invested in carrying out the Strategic Planning to guide the actions for the repre- sentativeness of the private sector by the operators for the next three years. Internally, the entity is undergoing import- ant transformations to modernize the provi- sion of services and update itself based on their stakeholders' demands. Among these, we highlight the implementation of compli- ance and governance standards, as well as the new Compliance Code. 132 133
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