2022 and 1H22 Financial Results slide image

2022 and 1H22 Financial Results

Group income statement Change Change Change GEL thousands, unless otherwise noted Interest income Interest expense Net interest income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Net fee and commission income Net foreign currency gain Net other income Operating income Salaries and other employee benefits Administrative expenses Depreciation, amortisation and impairment Other operating expenses Operating expenses 2Q22 2Q21 1Q22 1H22 1H21 y-o-y 9-0-9 y-o-y 553,309 446,636 23.9% 521,294 6.1% 1,074,603 875,216 22.8% (272,139) (218,387) 24.6% (249,844) 8.9% (521,983) (434,635) 20.1% 281,170 228,249 23.2% 271,450 3.6% 552,620 440,581 25.4% 135,127 94,727 42.6% 106,673 26.7% 241,800 171,173 41.3% (54,062) (37,521) 44.1% (47,841) 13.0% (101,903) (65,317) 56.0% 81,065 57,206 41.7% 58,832 37.8% 139,897 105,856 32.2% 125,528 22,082 468.5% 64,484 94.7% 190,012 41,258 360.5% 7,087 27,438 -74.2% 983 621.0% 8,070 50,920 -84.2% 494,850 334,975 47.7% 395,749 25.0% 890,599 638,615 39.5% (95,351) (68,812) 38.6% (78,329) 21.7% (173,680) (129,035) 34.6% (37,420) (30,068) 24.5% (33,702) 11.0% (71,122) (53,631) 32.6% (27,536) (22,354) 23.2% (24,627) 11.8% (52,163) (44,915) 16.1% (592) (160,899) (584) 1.4% (1,697) -65.1% (2,289) (1,596) 43.4% (121,818) 32.1% (138,355) 16.3% (299,254) (229,177) 30.6% Profit/(loss) from associates 250 Operating income before cost of risk 334,201 (4,299) 208,858 NMF 60.0% 126 98.4% 376 (4,132) NMF 257,520 29.8% 591,721 405,306 46.0% Expected credit loss /impairment charge on loans to customers Expected credit loss /impairment charge on finance lease (23,285) 25,140 NMF (29,856) -22.0% (53,141) (3,096) NMF (896) (683) 31.2% (1,284) -30.2% (2,180) (1,614) 35.1% Other expected credit loss and impairment charge on other (1,730) (10,424) -83.4% 38,707 NMF 36,977 (25,374) NMF assets and provisions Cost of risk (25,911) 14,033 NMF 7,567 NMF (18,344) (30,084) -39.0% Net operating income before non-recurring items 308,290 222,891 38.3% 265,087 16.3% Net non-recurring items Profit before income tax Income tax expense Profit Profit attributable to: - shareholders of the Group - non-controlling interests Earnings per share (basic) Earnings per share (diluted) 232 (67) 308,522 222,824 NMF 38.5% 48 NMF 573,377 280 375,222 52.8% (50) NMF 265,135 16.4% 573,657 375,172 52.9% (33,036) 275,486 (20,654) 59.9% (24,563) 34.5% (57,599) (34,078) 69.0% 202,170 36.3% 240,572 14.5% 516,058 341,094 51.3% 274,268 201,239 36.3% 239,715 14.4% 513,983 339,454 51.4% 1,218 931 30.8% 857 42.1% 2,075 1,640 26.5% 5.81 4.21 38.0% 5.06 14.8% 10.87 7.08 53.5% 5.79 4.19 38.2% 5.00 15.8% 10.79 7.04 53.3% 56
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