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Investor Presentaiton

IBI-376 (PI3KS) Development Plan Overview IBI-376 demonstrated a high rate of rapid and durable response in r/r FL and r/r MZL Phase 2 Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Parsaclisib in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Follicular Lymphoma (CITADEL-203) (ASH 2020) Percentage Change From Baseline 50- 40- 30- 20 10 0 -10- -20- -30 -40- Weekly Group Daily Group -50- -60- -70- -80- -90- -100 90% (106/118) of efficacy evaluable All Treated Patients and 91% (86/95) of efficacy evaluable patients in the Daily Group had tumor regression at target lesions Efficacy Evaluable All Patients (86 Responders) Median DOR (95% CI), months 15.9 (12.0-NE) Efficacy Evaluable Daily Group (71 Responders) 14.7 (12.0-17.5) Overall ORR: 73% (95% CI: 64-81) Efficacy Evaluable All Treated Patients (N=118)* 2% 3% IBI-376 (parsaclisib) Development Program Overview Preliminary ORR by IRC Clinical DG ORR: 75% (95% CI: 65-83) Efficacy Evaluable DG (N=95)* 2% 2% progress 6% CR 14% CR PR 15% SD SD PD NE NA 14% CR 17% SD 59% PR Efficacy Evaluable 61% PR 77% of responses occurred at first assessment ORR by investigator assessment efficacy evaluable All Treated Patients 73% (95% CI: 64-81) Efficacy Evaluable Daily Group (N=95) 15.8 (13.8-19.1) All Patients (N = 118) Median PFS (95% CI), months 15.8 (13.2-19.3) WG: 20mg, qd, 8 weeks; 20mg, qw afterward; DG: 20mg, qd, 8 weeks; 2.5mg, qd afterward; Phase 2 Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Parsaclisib in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Marginal Zone Lymphoma (CITADEL-204) (ASH 2020) 2021 plan r/r FL and MZL Started patient enrolment of pivotal Phase 2 trial for IBI-376 for r/r FL and MZL in China in Apr 2020 Myselofibrosis Filed IND application for IBI-376 in China for Incyte-sponsored global Phase 3 trial for 2L myselofibrosis in end 2020 Plan to start patient enrolment of IBI-376 in China for Incyte- sponsored global Phase 3 trial for 2L myelofibrosis in 2021 Plan to complete patient enrolment of IBI-376 for pivotal Phase 2 trial for r/r FL and MZL in China Plan to submit NDA to NMPA for IBI-376 for r/r FL between late 2021 to early 2022 Efficacy Compared within Different PI3K Inhibitors IRC Assessment ORR: 57.0% ORR: 56.9% 95% CI: 46.7-66.9 95% CI: 44.7-68.6 70% 50% 40% 51.0% 30% 51.4% PR 20% 30.0% SD 10% 6.0% 31.9% SD 5.6% est Percentage Change From Baseline 100- 80- 60- 40 20- 0 -20- -40- -60- -80- -100- Target lesion size Spleen size Medicine Target Parsaclisib (US data) PI3Kō Incyte Idelalisib PI3Kō Gilead Duvelisib PI3Kō, Y Infinity . All Treated Patients (N = 100) Daily Group (N=72) CI, confidence interval; CR, complete response; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease. 67% (38/57) of responders had an objective response (CR or PR) at first assessment Median time to first response was 8.1 weeks Umbralisib PI3Kō All Treated Patients (57 Responders) Daily Group (41 Responders) Median DOR (95% CI), months 12.0 (9.3-NE) NR (8.1-NE) Median PFS (95% CI), months All Treated Patients (N = 100) 19.4 (13.7-NE) Daily Group (N = 72) NR (11.0-NE) Copanlisib PI3K Bayer NE, not evaluable; NR, not reached. Co. DLBCL (n) 30% (23) Efficacy-ORR, % FL (n) 73% (118) MCL (n) 67% (9) MZL (n) 57% (100) NA 54% (72) 40% 57% NA 41%*(83) NA 33% (18) TG 27% (11) 45% (22) 79% (11) Therapeutics NA NA 25% (40) 58.7% (104) 64% (11) 69.6 % IBI-376 (PI3KS) is a highly selective, potent and differentiated PI3K inhibitor designed to reduce hepatotoxicity. IBI-376 shows the Best-in-Class potential in multiple B cell malignancies; pivotal Phase 2 trial is ongoing in China. Innovent Confidential Copyright©2021 Innovent Biologics 22 22
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