Annual Financial Review slide image

Annual Financial Review

2. SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Commencing from January 1, 2021, the CODM assesses the business of The Club separately from the reportable segments other than “Other Businesses", and revenue of other reportable segments generated through the e-commerce platform of The Club are included in the segment of “Other Businesses" together with the corresponding cost of sales. To conform with the current year's presentation, relevant revenue of HK$124 million is reclassified to "Other Businesses” for the year ended December 31, 2020 with no impact on EBITDA. A reconciliation of total segment EBITDA to profit before income tax is provided as follows: 3. In HK$ million 2020 2021 Total segment EBITDA 12,527 12,733 Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets, net 2 Depreciation and amortization Other gains/(losses), net Finance costs, net Share of results of associates (5,341) 24 (5,652) 361 (8) (1,296) (1,148) (68) (115) Share of results of joint ventures Profit before income tax (11) (15) 6,174 5,819 The following table sets out information about the geographical location of the Groups' revenue from external customers. In presenting information on the basis of geographical segments, segment revenue is based on the geographical location that the Groups derive revenue from customers. In HK$ million Hong Kong (place of domicile) Mainland and other parts of China Others 2020 2021 27,024 28,303 942 1,166 4,423 4,492 32,389 33,961 As at December 31, 2021, the total of non-current assets, other than financial instruments and deferred income tax assets, located in Hong Kong was HK$94,304 million (2020: HK$88,937 million), and the total of these non-current assets located in other geographical locations was HK$3,012 million (2020: HK$2,957 million). REVENUE In HK$ million 2020 2021 Revenue from contracts with customers Revenue from other sources: rental income 32,310 79 33,906 55 32,389 33,961 25
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