Annual report 2022
Our stakeholder priorities
Our stakeholders are the individuals, groups and organisations
that materially affect or could be affected by our business
activities, products, services and performance.
Clients and customers
How we engage
■Two-way engagement methods that
can include client surveys, online
communication channels and in person
at our branch network.
How we measure the quality
of the relationship
Key metrics to assess relationship
■ Net promoter score (NPS) and client
satisfaction index.
How we engage
■Two-way engagement methods that
can include employee surveys, online
communication channels and in person
How we measure the quality
of the relationship
Key metrics to assess relationship
■ Employee NPS (eNPS)
■ Emotional promoter score
■ Organisational alignment score
■ Engagement dimensions score
(work satisfaction)
■ Workforce diversity
■Turnover data and exit interviews
■ Average learning hours per person
■ Workforce return on investment.
Priorities and concerns
■ Personalised solutions
relevant for individuals and
■ Omnichannel options, speed,
and straight-through-
■ Digital convenience and
human interaction when
■ Accessibility, affordability and
relevance of services
■ System stability and
reliability, data security
protection from fraud and
■Integrity and confidentiality
Priorities and concerns
■Digital skills development,
career growth
■■Work-life balance
■Recognition, appreciation,
good communication
■Compensation and benefits
■Diversity and inclusion
■ Opportunities for
advancements expected at a
major financial institution
■Training and opportunities to
undertake approved tertiary
education programmes
■Financial assistance to reach
educational goals.
Our response
■ Truly digital, truly human approach
■ Differentiated personalised offers for retail
customers on our digital channels informed
by data analytics
■ Implementation of a small- to medium-sized
enterprise (SME) scoring capability drawing on
non-traditional data sources to assess credit
worthiness and enable loan disbursements for
small-scale traders
■ Improved system stability and resilience, and
significantly improved response and recovery
■Increased customer awareness of cyber and
fraud risks through targeted campaigns
■Further strengthened anti-financial crime
■ Offering feedback mechanism to ensure that
issues are managed and resolved.
Our response
■Invested in employee development, with a
focus on digital and technology skills
■ Further improved diversity metrics at senior
and executive levels, through targeted
leadership development initiatives
Offering qualifying employees opportunities to
pursue career advancement through bespoke
training programmes, multi-country
experience across the Standard Bank Group
and bursaries for tertiary studies.
How we engage
Including the Bank of Namibia (BON), the South African Reserve Bank
(SARB), Financial Intelligence Centre, Namibia Revenue Authority
(NamRa), Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA)
■Two-way engagement methods that
can include online communication
channels and in person sessions.
How we measure the quality
of the relationship
Key metrics to assess relationship
■Constructive and positive
engagements with our regulators
Priorities and concerns
■Financial crime controls, anti-money
laundering and combatting the financing
of terrorism (AML/CFT)
■Foreign exchange controls
Cyber security and data protection and security
■FinTech, regulation of cryptocurrencies,
digital platforms, open banking, cloud,
■Financial inclusion and affordability
■ Conduct and compliance with the Namibia
Financial Sector Charter
■ Adherence and compliance with
regulations and statutes
Management of customer complaints
■System stability
■Climate and environmental risks and the
role of banks.
Our response
Engagement on key issues to ensure
understanding of expectations,
Enhanced customer due diligence,
record keeping, suspicious and unusual
transaction reporting (STR) and risk
■ Strengthened internal reporting on
conduct risk and metrics
■ Automation and machine learning to
improve risk management
■ Our reporting on conduct metrics.
Shareholders and investors
How we engage
■Two-way engagement methods that
can include online communication
channels and in person sessions,
investor and market participant
feedback, AGM, presentations.
How we measure the quality
of the relationship
Key metrics to assess relationship
■Shareholder value created - return on
equity (ROE), earnings growth, net
asset value growth and dividends
■Investor and other market participant
■ AGM voting outcomes
■ESG disclosures and ratings and
sustainable finance solutions.
Priorities and concerns
■Competitiveness of offering
■ Governance, ethics, market conduct,
internal controls
■ System stability
■ SEE metrics and target setting
■ Strength of ESG risk management and link
to reward
■Climate risk management and ability to
measure financed emissions
■ Growth through sustainable strategies and
increasing effective digitisation
■ Access to appropriate skills and talent
■ Availability of specialised skills to ensure
market share growth.
Our response
Regular investor engagement on ESG,
SEE and climate issues
■ Engagement with ratings agencies
■ Quarterly reporting of investor issues to
executives and board.
How we engage
■ Two-way engagement methods that
can include online communication
channels and in person discussions.
How we measure the quality
of the relationship
Key metrics to assess relationship
■ Constructive engagements and media
Priorities and concerns
■Social and environmental impacts of
business activities
■Information on financed emissions and
related targets
■Involving business in addressing social and
economic inequalities
■Positively impacting the quality of life for
disadvantaged Namibians
■Partnering with businesses to create and
monitor effective socioeconomic
interventions that address local issues and
enable financial education.
Our response
■Robust screening, due diligence and
engagement to assess social, economic
and environmental risks and
opportunities associated business
■ Dedicating 1% of net profit after tax to
corporate social investment (CSI)
■Identify primary needs in the housing,
education, health and environmental
■ Support flagship projects (MycoHAB,
Buy-A-Brick) on an ongoing basis.View entire presentation