Investor Presentaiton
Standards - 300 Series
Energy consumption within
the organization
Reporting criteria and parameters
Boundary: Consolidated (Votorantim + portfolio companies)
Details general:
Data is presented in GJ for each type of energy source, as described below:
► Non-renewable energy sources: Those that cannot be replenished, reproduced, cultivated or generated in
a short period of time through ecological cycles
► Renewable energy sources: Those that can be replenished in a short period of time through ecological
cycles. Renewable energy sources include geothermal, wind, solar, hydro, biomass and others.
"Within the organization" refers to the energy consumed in the units operationally controlled by the portfolio
companies (amounts are reported in the chapter "Portfolio Overview" of Votorantim's 2021 Report. It
includes offices, industrial plants and distribution centers
To calculate this standard, each portfolio company must follow its own methodology, calculation rules and
tools, and conversion rates used for this purpose. Such calculations may include, but are not limited to: energy
balance of the plants and data reported by those responsible for the areas, most up to date GHG Protocol,
and energy consumption as shown on electricity bills, among others.
Details per portfolio company:
► Votorantim Cimentos: GNR methodology for the Cement business and GHG Protocol for the other
businesses. The energy figures reported by Votorantim Cimentos cover all the company's operations, except
for concrete, cement, mortar, aggregates (or other) operations in countries other than Brazil.
► Acerbrag: Conversion rates:
Electricity (MWh)*3.6 = GJ
• Gas (Nm3)*9300*4.1868/10^6= GJ
►CBA: For the plant, fuel consumption data was extracted from the GHG Protocol version 2021.0.1
calculation tool. For the other units, the same conversion rates as in previous years were used. CBA's
reporting for the indicator does not include the following operational units: Barro Alto, Rondon, Distribution
Center, and Central Office.
►Citrosuco: GHG Protocol standard.
►Nexa: GHG Protocol standard. Nexa's reporting for this indicator does not include the company's offices
located in Luxembourg and the United States.
► Reservas: Internally controlled data; conversion rates extracted from ISACTEEP.
▸ Votorantim Energia: Energy converted from MWh to GJ, considering 1MWh = 3.6GJ.
►Standard not reported by
►2021 information from
Citrosuco is not available.
The reported information
refers to the period
between January and
December 2020.
►Nexa's reporting for this
indicator does not include
the offices located in
Luxembourg and the
United States.
Nexa's energy
(GRI Standards
302-1 and 302-3)
and greenhouse
gas emissions
(GRI Standards
305-1 and
305-4) indicators
had their 2020
data corrected
and restated in
Annual Report
Due to the
identification of
an unintentional
error in the
compilation of
fuel consumption
data in one of
the company's
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