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Investor Presentaiton

A dynamic population in a dynamic territory FRANCE • The most attractive country . . for foreign investments in Europe (2021) 74% of foreign investors consider the attractivity of France will improve by 2025 (EY Barometer, 2021) A distinguished country through its response to the health crisis REGION ILE-DE-FRANCE 23,2% of all jobs in France 6,4M jobs 36% of all french executives 5,9M salaried jobs 40% of the adult population holds at least a bachelor's degree 720,000 students 26% of France's student population Ages 25-29 38.4% Women 49.4% University graduates 41.4% Executives 27.4% Foreign population 13.9% Région îlede France Ⓒ Finance Department - Region Ile-de-France 6
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