TMB Synergy and Financial Projections slide image

TMB Synergy and Financial Projections

Purchase price allocation (PPA) + Positive impact to TBANK fair value - Negative impact to TBANK fair value THB billions SCIB Goodwill 6* 18 141 7 (9) (1) 144 24' ** Goodwill Intangible 168 TBANK book value (Post-Restructuring on 3 Dec) Fair value uplift of TFUND Incremental in Fair value of HP portfolio Fair value adjustment of BA Deferred tax Preliminary fair value of net assets Goodwill & intangible assets Predetermined purchase price TMB Make THE Difference In accordance with accounting standards (TFRS3 Business Combination), Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) is conducted to allocate the purchase price on an acquisition date to fair value of TBANK's identified assets and liabilities. The remaining result is Intangible Assets and Goodwill. . Identified intangible assets is amortized and treated as expenses in P/L (Consolidation) . Goodwill is not amortized as expense but subject to annual impairment test Intangible assets is being assessed and is subject to Deferred Tax Liabilities. Intangible assets and deferred tax will be finalized in the audited financial statements (20 Feb 20) * TFUND's sale transaction was completed on 27 December 2019. (TBANK sold 25.1%, out of 75% interest that it held) ** Unaudited numbers 14
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