Frasle Mobility's New Positioning and Randoncorp Investments
Focused on the women's career development and on
increasing their representation in leadership positions,
we maintained our Women's Organizational Mentoring
Program throughout 2022. The program aims to
empower and strengthen female leadership through
personal and professional development, in addition to
facilitating the creation of networks among professionals
and strengthening the synergy between the different
business units. We strive to nurture a living learning
process by sharing experiences and encouraging a
culture of learning and sorority.
During the year, we ran a new cycle of this initiative, which
included 26 female employees from different hierarchical
levels, 13 mentors and 13 mentees, who participated in
an intense process of exchange and learning aimed at
preparing them for new challenges.
To double the number of women in
leadership positions until 2025.
BASE YEAR 2020: 11%
Learn more at page 30.
Women's Journey
In 2022, we started Jornada Delas,
a career acceleration program for
female employees, aligned with our
diversity and inclusion initiatives. The
first group included 22 women who
did not hold a leadership or manage-
ment position, selected from among
the applicants on a voluntary basis.
The training aims to develop skills
such as self-knowledge, interper-
sonal relationships, influence, nego-
tiation, and personal branding, with
an emphasis on women's careers.
We continue to invest in actions to educate and raise
awareness of our teams on the topic. We have, for example,
the PRA.VC Diversity, Inclusion and Equity journey, which
803 people completed in 2022. And we also have more
courses on the theme, with 1,108 concluded.
In addition, we held conversation rounds on topics
such as Women's Month, LGBTQIA+ Pride, and Black
Consciousness, as well as workshops for female employees
in Caxias do Sul (RS).
Aiming to raise the awareness of leaders, we conducted
two trainings on the role of leadership in promoting gender
equality and implementing a culture based on respect for
the LGBTQIA+ audience.
On an online basis, we organized a series of thematic
livestreams, open to all employees, focusing on topics such
as female leadership, motherhood, fatherhood, racial/ethnic
diversity, immigrants' rights, LGBTQIA+ pride, and inclusion
of people with disabilities.
> One woman inspires the other
agenda (Women's Day).
Empowerment on the
> Children in the curriculum - An invitation to grow (Mother's
> Not me, we! > Different stories, same direction (day of
migrants, immigrants, and refugees - ethno-racial.
> Diversity LGBTQIAPN+ > An agenda for all people
> Fathers who are together! (Father's Day).
> Demystifying the myths about the inclusion of People
with Disabilities (International Day of People with
> Racial Literacy.
In total, we registered almost
3,000 participants in live
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