Investor Presentaiton
A limited company that has listed its shares on the stock exchange.
A listed company has the opportunity to raise its capital from the public and therefore has access to a larger capital base.
Must comply with the provisions of the Accounting and Auditing Standards Board Act 1995 ā To comply with the specified
standards in the preparation and presentation of accounts.
Must comply with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission Act, No.36 of 1987 (as amended) and Listing
Rules, Takeovers and Mergers Code etc.:
Listing Eligibility:
Stated Capital at the time of listing (Main Board: of not less than Rs. 500, 000,000/-; Diri Savi Board Capital of not less
than Rs.100,000,000/-
Positive Net Assets as per the consolidated audited financial statements (Main Board: for the last 2 financial years
immediately preceding the date of application; Diri Savi Board: for the financial year immediately preceding the date
of application)
meet the Minimum Public Holding Requirement
ā Main Board: Net profit after tax for 3 consecutive years immediately preceding the date of application
Diri Savi Board: An operating history of at least one (1) year immediately preceding the date of application;
Corporate disclosure requirements and mandatory offer requirements;
Prohibitions relating to insider dealings.View entire presentation