10-Year Airline and Business Jet Pilot Demand Outlook slide image

10-Year Airline and Business Jet Pilot Demand Outlook

Regulatory shift toward Value-based Care US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) Uses quality of care as a performance metric 6 Quality Measures 1. Patient Safety Indicators 90 Composite 2. Central line bloodstream infections 3. Catheter-associated urinary infections. 4. Surgical site infections 5. Multi-resistant infections 6. Clostridium difficile infections 25% lowest performing US hospitals face penalties = FY17 1% payment cut FY18 4% payment cut = FY19 6% payment cut In FY17, lowest performing hospitals lost $430M USD in government reimbursements In FY19, lowest performing hospitals will lose ~$3B USD in government reimbursements Value-based Care is driving a greater adoption by US hospitals of simulation-based training to improve the quality of care CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential CAE
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